Monday, 11 December 2017

Physiotherapy at Eruobo - update

In March 2016 we wrote about the Physiotherapist at Eruobodo House. We are pleased we can update you on this topic. 
The immense contribution of Odd Fellow Lodge in Sweden to Eruobodo House has further enhanced our vision of supporting and improving the lives of our children with special need. We currently have eight of our children benefiting from the physiotherapy sessions with two Physiotherapists. They spend 30 – 40 minutes per session with each child, two times in a week. All these have been made possible by the unreserved generosity of Odd Fellow Lodge in Sweden.

Presented below is the case of one of the children benefiting from the sessions as a sample.

This is Paul. Paul has recorded a remarkable improvement so far. He is a lot more balanced and coordinated now than he use to be. He has room for more improvement if can continue with his physiotherapy sessions. 

Eruobodo House has been and it is still a home for these beautiful children, a home where they live happily together, find the support they need to improve their quality of life and where they are trained to live as independently as possible. Some of the children have shown remarkable improvements so far while others are gradually making progress.
We are pleased to inform you that the children are fine and are doing very well. It has been a better year for all of them, all thanks to all the support
We have a need to do more as regards physiotherapy and also to want expand the physiotherapy section of the Home, so as to extend these services to other special need children in the vicinity, as there are number of them in urgent need of this treatment. That will go a long way to improve and give them a new lease of life and it will serve as an avenue for the community to benefit from the Home.
Why we never shy away from ceasing every opportunity to express our profound gratitude for all the support by all the contributors like Odd Fellow Lodge so far, we at Eruobodo House rely on this benevolence to be able to achieve our goals.

Physiotherapist's seminar on 'Caring for children with special needs', October 2017.